Mission: Glendale is growing a multigenerational church known in the community as devoted to service, passionate about learning, and open to all.

Our vision is to reach the next generation with faith in Jesus Christ.

Acceptance: We want all types people to call us family. Whatever your background, your socio-economic status, your gender identity, or your confidence in your faith, we want you to come walk with us.

Family: Sometimes we come to church with a family in tow. Some people feel like they’ve never had a strong family to rely on. Our goal is to be there for you - whenever you need it. Like a family.

Faith: Everyone has a different faith journey. If you wake up every day praising God’s beautiful world, or if you struggle with the hypocrisy that sometimes shadows religion, know that we focus on God’s love for us, and our love for each other.

Communion: Joining Jesus at the table is a gift. It can be fulfilling. It can be a time to reflect. Feel free to come to the table whole, or broken, with whatever religion you profess, or without much faith. Your state of mind does not stop you from receiving the love of Christ. It does not stop you from being part of a community of love.

Glendale UMC strives to be a positive force in the city of Savage and in surrounding communities. Our goal is to make a difference helping out in schools, helping the unhoused, providing nutrition for those who need food help, and providing spiritual direction for those who seek a kind hand.

We also try to achieve global reach global charitable giving, volunteering at world hunger programs, and yearly mission trips.